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Social Media and Officer Discipline

Social Media and Officer Discipline

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Feb 16, 2021
  • 2:00 - 4:00pm EST
Individual Fee:
  • $95.00 per registered attendee
Group Rate:
  • $95.00 for the first attendee - $50.00 per each additional attendee
Agency Pricing:
  • Please contact us for an agency-wide pricing quote

It has never been easier for a public employee to express their personal views on a range of issues to the community and to the world—particularly through social media. With increasing regularity, employees are openly sharing their views on local and national politics, internal agency operations, the competence of their agency leaders and many other issues. This presents a difficult challenge to public agency leaders as they seek to hold employees accountable for statements that harm agency operations while still respecting their First Amendment rights. This balance is made all the more challenging due to the lack of clear and concise court guidance on these issues.

In this webinar training, Attorney Matt Dolan will discuss:

  • Public employees’ freedom of speech rights in the age of social media
  • Politics and social media
  • Conduct unbecoming standards—do they apply to social media?
  • The millennial generation—saving them from themselves through preventative training
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