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Taking the Lead: Courageous Leadership for Today’s Public Safety

Taking the Lead: Courageous Leadership for Today’s Public Safety

  • Harry P. Dolan
    Chief of Police (Ret.)
  • Livestreamed, N/A
  • Jun 5, 2023
Course Length:
  • 1-day
Registration Fee:
    • $250.00 for the first attendee – $125.00 per each additional attendee

“Taking the Lead”: Courageous Leadership for Today’s Public Safety Professionals provides public safety professionals of all ranks, sworn and civilian, with practical time-tested leadership lessons learned from the arena. The program has been developed to prepare today’s leaders to confront the new reality of heightened transparency and unprecedented expectations.

As one of the nation’s most experienced police chiefs, Harry P. Dolan, places a laser-like focus on specific leadership actions and traits that have led to success or failure when navigating challenging times. “We are not doomed to repeat history if we grow to understand that war stories may indeed be case studies. When combined with evidence-based research, these case studies and practical experience contain valuable leadership lessons.”

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the research on field leadership in public safety: STOP guessing and start applying what we know works.
  • Establish a solid understanding of performance motivational theory.
  • Identify what great leaders do when bad things happen.
  • Understand commander’s intent, unity in command and groupthink.
  • Build and maintain professional ethics throughout the organization: Why the “taking care of the troops” philosophy doesn’t have to result in compromising high expectations.


Courageous Leadership for Today’s Public Safety

  • “Chief Dolan seamlessly fused his knowledge of history, law enforcement and leadership to provide a wealth of information on this topic. Two days flew by, great course!”

-Officer, Pennsylvania

Taking the Lead: Courageous Leadership

  • “Very well done. [I] look forward to sending my police leaders to future Dolan Consulting Group trainings!

- Chief, Pennsylvania

Developing Organizational Performance Leadership