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IA Investigations of Off-Duty Conduct

IA Investigations of Off-Duty Conduct

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Sep 13, 2021
Course Length:
  • 2-hour
  • 2:00 - 4:00pm EST
Individual Fee:
  • $95.00 per registered attendee
Group Rate:
  • $95.00 for the first attendee - $50.00 per each additional attendee
Agency Pricing:
  • Please contact us for an agency-wide pricing quote

Supervisors and internal affairs investigators are regularly tasked with investigating allegations of misconduct stemming from “off the clock” officer conduct. These investigations can prove difficult as they often require investigators to look into somewhat intimate aspects of the personal lives of fellow members of the department. 

Furthermore, officers often contend that their private lives are not relevant to their professional obligations. But the essential role of IA investigations to protect the integrity of agency operations and maintain the public trust does not end with on-duty conduct. And a litany of court decisions clearly indicate that off-duty misconduct can lawfully provide the grounds for police discipline—up to and including termination.

In this two-hour webinar, Attorney Matt Dolan will address issues including:

  • Conduct Unbecoming an Officer policy violations—back to basics
  • Examining any potential nexus to on-duty activity 
  • Investigating social media activity in light of its impact on agency operations
  • Avoiding the unlawful infringement of officers’ First Amendment rights
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