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Managing Civilianization in Law Enforcement

Managing Civilianization in Law Enforcement

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Feb 21, 2023
Course Length:
  • 2-hour
  • 11:00am - 1:00pm EST
Individual Fee:
  • $95.00 per registered attendee
Group Rate:
  • $95.00 for the first attendee - $50.00 per each additional attendee

The shortage of qualified applicants for sworn law enforcement positions shows no signs of improving in the coming years. As agency leaders begin to adapt to lower staffing numbers, difficult conversations are taking place around the continued viability of sworn officers performing jobs that could be done by a civilian with less training and less cost.  How can agencies accomplish this without triggering unnecessary risks to officer and public safety?

The necessity for officers to respond to the day-to-day needs of their communities will have to take precedence. Claims that many sworn officers are performing invaluable work in cubicles on the day shift may be legitimate in many cases. However, these arguments seem unlikely to persuade the public as staffing numbers plummet, police presence in the field diminishes and 911 response times climb. 

In this two-hour webinar, Attorney Matt Dolan will examine case studies in civilianization from 2023 back to the 1950s to assist agency leaders in managing civilianization as safely and responsibly as possible.  Is civilianization a good idea for some of your sworn positions? What are the risks involved? What are the potential benefits? What have we learned from past civilianization initiatives? This webinar is designed to address these important questions.  

The discussion will include:

· Breaking down the high likelihood of civilianization in law enforcement agencies across the country

· Lessons to be learned from successful civilianization efforts in the past

· Managing this transition in a way that minimizes safety and liability risks to officers and the public 

Developing Organizational Performance Leadership