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Termination Agreements in Law Enforcement

Termination Agreements in Law Enforcement

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Mar 15, 2021
  • 2:00 - 4:00pm EST
Individual Fee:
  • $95.00 per registered attendee
Group Rate:
  • $95.00 for the first attendee - $50.00 per each additional attendee
Agency Pricing:
  • Please contact us for an agency-wide pricing quote

Law enforcement leaders across the country feel frustrated or even helpless in the face of arbitrators and judges who have reinstated individuals that they feel pose a threat to the public safety, officer safety, agency reputation and officer morale. This frustration tends to come from the obvious desire on the part of agency leaders to have some substantial influence in determining the composition of the ranks that they lead.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial that toxic outliers within the department are removed.

So, what options do agency leaders have when they believe that they have an obligation to remove a “bad apple” from their ranks? They can tolerate the behavior and seek to minimize it by “hiding” the employee to the extent possible. They can terminate the employee with the knowledge that arbitrators or courts might well overturn their decision. But there is an often overlooked third option: they can negotiate with officers to separate from the agency in a way that sticks—a way that is contractual and legally binding.

The notion of paying a substantial amount of money to a terminated officer is often a difficult one to accept. But how expensive is it to pay the salary of a public safety professional who is likely to cost even more in lawsuits and loss of public trust?

In this webinar, Attorney Matt Dolan will discuss:

  • The “nuts and bolts” of termination agreements
  • Options and pitfalls for law enforcement leaders in pursuing termination agreements
  • Recent case studies in which these agreements have been successfully utilized to remove problem officers
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