A new level of society-wide transparency has accompanied rapid technological developments in recent years. In particular, the ability to record and livestream events as they occur and individuals’ ability to engage in immediate and widespread public expression through social media has made countless interactions and conversations that were once private readily available for public view.
This has presented law enforcement agencies with new opportunities in identifying suspects, solving crimes and holding officers accountable to agency standards of conduct by way of internal affairs investigations. But it has also presented these agencies with significant challenges. Most notable of these challenges is a level of transparency and scrutiny for officers—on and off the job—that is unprecedented.
Significant liability and public relations issues are emerging due to the practical and policy challenges associated with body-worn cameras, the ease with which officers are recorded in the field and the ability of officers to share controversial opinions and workplace grievances to a public audience through social media.
This evolving landscape necessitates training that incorporates the latest statutory legal developments, court decisions and relevant case studies from throughout the country. This course will prepare law enforcement professionals to craft and implement policies that reflect an understanding of these areas of increasing legal liability.
Body-Worn Cameras:
Civilian Recordings:
Social Media:
“Thank you for doing this training! Every law enforcement & their families should have this training! SO IMPORTANT!”
-Detective, Utah
“…Lt. Nieters’ ability to teach this class truly gripped me into seeing [that] I need a change. Hope to attend further training.”
-Patrolman, South Carolina
“Harry Dolan was one of the best instructors I have encountered in 28 years of service.”
-Lieutenant, Wisconsin
“Chief Dolan seamlessly fused his knowledge of history, law enforcement and leadership to provide a wealth of information on this topic. Two days flew by, great course!”
-Officer, Pennsylvania
“This course was one of the best & most informative courses I have ever taken. Capt. Babcock’s expertise in the course matter is excellent.’
-Deputy, Florida
“I would consider Matt to be a master orator. Kept a serious topic interesting with his unique and fantastic sense of humor.”
-Detective, South Dakota
“One of/if not the best training I’ve attended. Chief’s lectures were relatable, accurate, and captivating. I really enjoyed the entire week.”
-Officer, Virginia
“Very well done. [I] look forward to sending my police leaders to future Dolan Consulting Group trainings!
- Chief, Pennsylvania
“This should be required for ALL leaders (or people in command) across the nation.”
-Sergeant, Texas
“I’ve sent 2 of my team members to Verbal De-Escalation. I’ve had it & it’s an amazing class. After encounters, I see the 180 degree difference in these young officers! I will petition to send all of them.”
-Attendee, North Carolina