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Recruiting and Hiring for Law Enforcement

Recruiting and Hiring for Law Enforcement

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Live Streamed, N/A
  • Feb 18, 2021 - Feb 18, 2021
Registration Fee:
  • Individual: $195.00 for the first attendee – $95.00 per each additional attendee.

    Agency: Please contact us for an agency-wide pricing quote


The process of recruiting, vetting, and hiring qualified applicants represents one of the greatest challenges confronting law enforcement leaders today. Agencies are tasked with looking to new recruiting strategies well beyond what used to work in attracting candidates. This is particularly true as law enforcement agencies look to attract applicants from Generation Z.

This course will introduce attendees to a variety of innovative recruiting strategies being implemented throughout the country to meet the challenges of recruiting, particularly recruiting with an emphasis on diversifying the ranks and long-term recruiting strategies. 

Attendees will also learn about ways to navigate the hiring process while minimizing legal liability risks along the way—from applicant in-take to hiring interviews to background investigations.

  • Maintaining hiring standards and avoiding the Negligent Hiring “Doom Loop”
  • Responding to a shrinking pool of qualified applicants
  • Getting back to basics in conducting background investigations
  • What is working for law enforcement agencies in short-term and long-term recruiting
  • Cutting unnecessary “red tape” and streamlining the hiring process
  • Adopting the Permanent Recruiting and Retention Model for law enforcement, based on the military model
  • “Confirmation Bias” and “Growth Mindset” in the recruiting process
  • Diversifying and expanding the applicant pool
  • Exploring innovative recruiting strategies being implemented by law enforcement agencies across the country
  • Understanding the long-term consequences of failing to invest in the hiring process
  • Creating agency policies to minimize liability in the hiring process
Developing Organizational Performance Leadership