$450.00 for the first attendee, $225.00 for each additional
This new detective course is intended to make the participants recognize the importance of basic investigative techniques that are often overlooked or not given the proper level of importance in the face of newer technologies and newer investigative techniques. This class also gives an introduction to 4th and 5th Amendment Issues encountered by detectives, and the importance of striving for and maintaining the highest quality of investigation in all cases. The class also introduces the detective to the dynamics of interacting with victims and victim’s families.
The participants will be instructed there is nothing more destructive to a crime scene or criminal investigation than making early assumptions about the scene and the nature of the investigation. The participants will be taught to treat every violent crime scene like it is a possible murder investigation and to not allow preconceptions and personal theories to influence their actions or the manner in which they handle the crime scene and investigation.
Throughout the class, participants will be shown actual cases in which the objectives to be taught become relevant in the investigation. They will be encouraged to interact with the instructor about their theories as to what steps should be taken in the investigation, followed by instruction on how the actual investigation developed.
Course Objectives