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Supervisor Liability for Law Enforcement

Supervisor Liability for Law Enforcement

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Livestreamed, N/A
  • Dec 5, 2023
Course Length:
  • 1-day
Registration Fee:
    • $250.00 for the first attendee – $125.00 per each additional attendee

A promotion to a supervisory position is an invitation to enter the world of risk management.  Far too many supervisors are learning about these challenges through the process of trial and error—at great expense to themselves, their agencies, the people they lead and the public that they serve.  It is vital to agency operations that supervisors are continuously considering the ramifications of their leadership decisions in the context of liability and risk management.

In this course, case law and recent real-world case studies will be utilized to illustrate the most common and costly liability issues confronting supervisors in law enforcement and effective strategies for minimizing that liability.  This training is designed to prepare law enforcement supervisors to take preventative steps to limit supervisor liability, maintain organizational standards and protect the public trust.

Course Objectives:

  • The 3 most important questions in supervisor liability
    • What did you know?
    • When did you know it?
    • What did you do?
  • “Inspect what you expect”—taking on the role of early detection and intervention
  • Internal Affairs operations as an agency-wide undertaking
  • Sources of liability in personnel management
  • Making legally and ethically defensible hiring decisions
    • Long-term liability associated with “bad hires”
    • Failure-to-hire liability
    • The vital role of field training and the probationary process
  • The Just Cause Doctrine and consistent officer discipline
  • Performance evaluations—are they helping or hurting us?
  • Combating the diffusion of responsibility and the bystander effect as supervisors
  • Officer discipline, termination, and the liabilities incurred by the failure to act
Developing Organizational Performance Leadership